A training session goes through three different states during its lifetime:
This is the start state for all newly created sessions. During this state, the coach is expected to add clients and exercises
to the session.
Once a client starts training, the session will automatically transition to the ongoing state.
The ongoing state is active while the clients are training.
To transition from the ongoing state to the completed state, select
the session on the home screen and tap ...
and then Complete Session.
Note: A session that is left in the ongoing state for more than 2 weeks without
any activity will be automatically marked as completed.
A completed session is one where all the reps and runs have been recorded and no more training is expected to happen.
When the session is completed:
- It will be marked as read-only, no longer allowing any more reps to be recorded
- It will appear in the Browse Data part of the application as well as in the web app session list.
Note that the actual conversion to browse data/web app happens on the server when it first notices that a session
has been marked as completed. It may take up to a few minutes for the conversion to happen.If the tablet where the session was completed is not connected to the internet, the conversion won't happen until
it has successfully synced to the cloud servers.