Prepare Group Session

Before starting a group training session, you need to add clients and exercises to the session.

Creating a Session

There are several ways to create a new group training session:

  • From the start screen, press Create Session. This will create a blank session with no exercises or clients.
  • Create a copy of a recent session. Select the session to copy in the Recent Sessions List and tap the ... button.
    • Select Full Copy to create a copy with all exercises and clients in it
    • Select No Participants to create a session with the same exercises but no clients added.
  • In the Browse Data screen, select any historical session and select Start new group session in the ... menu.
    • This will create a new group training session with the same exercises but no participants.

Adding Clients and Exercises

Once the session has been created, you can start adding clients and exercises to it.

  • Exercises are added by selecting the + button next to the exercise drop down in the top bar.
  • Clients are added by selecting the Add Client button on the left side of the screen, under the list of existing clients.

Removing Clients or Exercises

Note: A client can only be removed if they have not performed any reps in the session.
Likewise, an exercise can only be removed as long as no client has performed any reps of it.

  • To remove a user, click the client name and select Remove Client from the popup menu.
  • To remove an exercise, click on the exercise name and tap the Delete button that appear next to the name in the dropdown