
There are two loads that can be controlled: Resisted/Concentric (1) and Assisted/Eccentric (2) load.


The Resisted load (called Concentric load on 1080 Quantum) is the resistance provided when the line is pulled out from the machine. Adjust the
Resisted load by pressing the increment or decrement buttons. If the Resisted load is set to 0kg the
machine will turn off and all other settings will have no effect. The maximum load that can be selected is
15kg at gear 1 and 30kg at gear 2

Assisted load (called Eccentric load on 1080 Quantum) is the load at which the machine will pull the line back towards the machine.
The default assisted load is equal to the selected resisted load.
The assisted load can however be set greater than the resisted load. This is primarily used for training
using the eccentric overloading principle. The assisted load can maximally be set to 3 times greater than
the resisted load or max 22,5 kg

IMPORTANT: When increasing the assisted load, the system will automatically decrease the assisted
speed. This is a safety function to prevent an overly high assisted load and speed to be applied by
mistake. The assisted speed must be raised again to the desired level after modifying the assisted load.

Coarse vs Fine

By default, the load can be controlled in increments of 1 or 5. By toggling between Fine and Coarse it's possible
to control it in increments of 0.1 kg.


Variable Load

For the 1080 Sprint, there is also Variable Load which will vary the load based on the
current speed of the athlete.